Saturday 16 January 2010

Devon Snow Boarding

In the big winter freeze for the last two weeks, my friend Medland has been making the most of the condition by snow boarding up on Dartmoor. I was luckily enough to head up with him and a few of his friends on one of there trips and got some cool images. Not the sort of thing you would expect to be able to do in Devon!

February Photography.

I had a few photo-shoots early February which I thought would be worth a mention. The first shoot was at Wembury on the 1st, managed to capture one of the best sunsets I've ever seen down there. I also tried some HDR photography with some cool results.

Mid-way through Feb we had a brilliant run of surf for the south coast. I document a few of the sessions as a light hearted from the hip kind of project, just showing the good times and waves we had.